Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Choir & Hand Bells
The vocal choir at Good Shepherd Church is open to all ages and all levels of musical ability. Choir members do not need to read music, but must be able to count to two, three or four!
The choir is great place to make new friends, relax and have fun.
The job of the choir is not just singing beautifully, but rather it is to minister to the congregation and enrich the worship experience. The songs we sing teach, encourage, comfort and compel worshipers.
The Vocal Choir practices each Wednesday in the sanctuary from 6:30-7:30 p.m. during the months of September-May and sings during worship services once each month.
“And Miriam took an instrument of music in her hand; and all the women went after her with music and dances.” Exodus 15:20
If you are interested in music and want to be a part of a music group that doesn’t involve singing, the handbell choir is always looking for new members. We meet once a week on Wednesday evenings. We try to play for church once a month.
You should be able to read music-either treble or bass clef or both. We have a position just for you!
We welcome both men and women to our group!
If you have questions, contact Sharon Johnson at 218-280-1364.
Don’t be afraid to give this a try. We were all new at this at one time! Come and make a joyful noise to the Lord!