Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Church Council
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
2024 Council Members
Jeff Basinger-President
Vicki Hanson - Vice President
Jill Bakken -Secretary
Tracy Imle –Treasurer
Paul Ehlers
Bonnie Borene
Brad Boomgarden
Mike Nordlund
Sarah Goudge
Nicole Larson
Heidi Johnson
Ann Bardwell-Ross
Good Shepherd Congregational Council Purpose Statements:
We will...
Share the Word of God and God's grace.
Everyone who walks through the doors of Good Shepherd should feel like they belong here.
Work together to be responsible financial and spiritual stewards.
Be supportive of others' needs both in and outside the church.
Encourage people to find, use, and share their talents.
Be user-friendly, communicating what we do, how, and why we do it.
Encourage people to donate to the church.
Be a child and youth friendly church, finding ways to engage and encourage our youth and children in church activities.